Happy Herald - Monarch for Love https://www.happyherald.com/articles.sec-8505-1-monarch-for-love.html <![CDATA[Why Do Marriages Change Over Time?]]> Have you ever wondered why marriages change over time? No one expects their relationship to change after we get married, and oh, boy, were we all wrong! The reason marriages change is because they’re supposed to! ]]> <![CDATA[What to Do When Your Partner is Distant ]]> According to John Gray, the Author of “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus,” men must pull away and then spring back and reconnect, just like a rubber band.]]> <![CDATA[Are Your Needs Being Met?]]> I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel hurt, frustrated and resentful when my needs aren’t being met. Can you relate? If so, I’d like to share three questions you may want to consider asking yourself. ]]> <![CDATA[The Power of Love ]]> Michelle Hays is a heart-centered Marriage Coach and is the Monarch for Love Podcast Host with decades of experience in marriage and relationships.]]> <![CDATA[Three Ways You Can Improve Your Relationship in 2024]]> Have you ever thought about what your relationship would be like at this time next year if you intentionally focused on improving your marriage? Did you know that the quality of your relationship affects your whole life? It’s the “core,” so to speak.]]> <![CDATA[How to Stay Connected with Your Partner During the Holidays ]]> Are you so stressed during this time of year that you find yourself inadvertently neglecting your partner? Remember, you are a team! Here are five tips that can help you stay connected during this magical time of year! ]]> <![CDATA[Does Expressing Gratitude Make a Difference?]]> As far as I was concerned, I did everything expected of a good wife and mother, and I did it well! The thought that Scott might not feel loved never even crossed my mind. In my mind, I thought, of course he is happy and feels loved.]]> <![CDATA[The Masks We Wear]]> Did you know that as we get older, we are less and less likely to dress up for Halloween? Are you dressing up? I am. I still love Halloween! ]]> <![CDATA[Have You Lost Your Sense of Self in Your Relationship? ]]> Do you ever feel like you’ve lost your “sense of self” in your relationship? We all (hopefully) want to please our partners. But what happens when we are so busy “pleasing” our partners that we start neglecting our needs?]]> <![CDATA[Remember Your First Date?]]> I got off work at six, rushed home, showered, styled my hair, put on my makeup, and slipped on a little black dress. I walked into the restaurant at 7:05, you know, fashionably late. Brian wasn’t there. I waited. I looked at my phone. Nothing. At 7:15, I was feeling quite annoyed. Am I being stood up?! ]]> <![CDATA[Love is Like the Ocean]]> Can you imagine not enjoying the ocean because the sea doesn’t behave as you would like it to during storms? No more boating. No more beach days. No more lobstering. No more fishing. Would you abandon the sea because it isn’t always calm and enjoyable? Of course not! We love and accept the ocean just the way it is!]]> <![CDATA[Are You Growing in Your Relationship?]]> Most likely, you’ve heard the quote, “Grow old with me; the best is yet to be.” The English poet Robert Browning wrote that in 1864. When I hear that quote, I can’t help but think of the divorce rate. So many couples give up way before they reach old age together. What about you?]]> <![CDATA[Conflict Can Lead to a Deeper Connection ]]> Do you ever get the feeling that your partner is picking a fight with you over what seems like nonsense? Conflict is inevitable in every relationship, but sometimes what you and your partner argue over isn’t about the small stuff. Most likely, it is about some underlying issue.]]> <![CDATA[Have You Ever Made the Decision to Love?]]> One summer’s day more than 20 years ago, my eight and five-year-old children shouted, “Mommy, close your eyes!” They were giggling and whispering the whole time! Then I heard a door open, and they both said, “Okay, Mommy, open your eyes!” ]]> <![CDATA[To Love and Be Loved]]> So many of us fail at what we desire most:to love and be loved. Many keep searching for the “perfect” partner, yet they repeat the same mistakes and end up with similar results. Isn’t that the definition of insanity?]]> <![CDATA[Ahhhhhh, Love! ]]> It is February and love seems to be everywhere – hearts, chocolates, roses, and jewelry commercials! What comes to mind when you think about love and Valentine’s Day? What feeling arises from the depths of your heart? Are you hoping for Cupid to draw back his bow? ]]> <![CDATA[Be Happier in 2023]]> What are your hopes and dreams for 2023? Have you thought about it? What New Year’s Resolution will you make that will make a difference in the quality of your life this upcoming year? Yes, you would probably like to lose a little weight and save some money, and yes, the feeling of an organized garage would be incredible. ]]> <![CDATA[The Best Holiday Gift You Could Give]]> What happened to the childlike wonder many of us experienced when we were kids? What happens as we become adults? Why do we become less playful, and somehow forget what it was like to experience true joy, wonder and love during the holidays, and more importantly, in our day-today lives?]]> <![CDATA[Thanksgiving Time]]> Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time to reflect and be grateful for everything good and all the love in our lives. Think about that for a minute. Are you thankful for the love and life you and your spouse have created? If so, have you told your spouse how grateful you are?]]> <![CDATA[CALENDAR OF EVENTS]]>