Happy Herald - Earth Talk Q & A https://www.happyherald.com/articles.sec-8487-1-earth-talk-q-a.html <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> I’m alarmed that a cement plant plans expansion behind our home. What are the potential health and environmental impacts of such a facility?]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> In the West Texas town of Sweetwater, about 40 miles west of Abilene on Interstate 20, there is a field filled to the brim with unwanted wind turbine blades. The first of these blades were deposited in 2017 and over the years the blades have accumulated to cover over 30 acres of land.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> I’ve been hearing a lot of negative things about electric vehicles lately. Is the bloom off the rose? ]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> In recent years, there has been a global movement to pressure corporations into becoming more eco-friendly. One of the most frequent measures taken by these companies is limiting the use of single-use plastics and replacing them with so-called compostable plastics.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Firescaping involves designing a landscape to fireproof a property while maintaining aesthetic appeal.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Do mainstream laundry soaps contain chemicals that are bad for human health and/or the environment? Are any brands safer than others in this regard?]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> CleanRobotics has created a receptacle named TrashBot that uses imaging, AI algorithms, and robotics to detect and sort waste as it is being thrown away. This prevents contamination and makes the sorting process easier down the line.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Sustainable parenting isn’t easy given all the ways modern society has become largely a profusion of disposable products. Besides making conscious decisions about the products you buy, you also have to think about teaching your kids to do the right thing – and you can never start too early.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Amphibians, such as frogs, toads, salamanders and newts, live on both land and in water. Having emerged over 300 million years ago, today there are over 7,000 known species.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Is it really a good idea to burn parcels of land on purpose in order to prevent the spread of actual wildfires?]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Home gardening is a great way to spend time outside, improve local ecosystems and learn more about botany and plants. When it comes to household gardening, natives are the key to success.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Natural gas is almost as ubiquitous an energy source in American households as electricity. Indeed, 48 percent of U.S. homes stay warm with gas-powered furnaces while 38 percent do their cooking with gas.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Red tide is a phenomenon that occurs when algae in the ocean reproduce rapidly and create a large concentration of red pigments in the water, giving it a reddish-brown hue.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> No doubt, artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to play a significant role in addressing the challenges posed by climate change.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Some landscapes evolved with periodic wildfires as an influential force, and people have been using “prescribed burns” (the controlled application of fire under specified weather conditions) to restore health to certain types of ecosystems for millennia.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> There’s no question about it: all the disposable Personal Protective Equipment in our waste stream is taking a toll on the environment.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Botanists James Wandersee and Elizabeth Schussler coined the term “plant blindness” in 1998 to describe “the inability to see or notice the plants in one’s own environment, leading to the inability to recognize the importance of plants in the biosphere and in human affairs.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Indigenous Climate Action uses its @indigenousclimateaction account to motivate and empower both youth and adults on climate activism by reminding them of the human connections to land, water, community, culture and the sense of responsibility toward future generations exemplified in indigenous communities.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> Cheatgrass is an annual grass native to Europe and eastern Asia that European settlers brought to North America in the late 1800s as forage for grazing their livestock.]]> <![CDATA[DEAR EARTH TALK:]]> This issue was in the news recently when 13 current and former staffers from the National Audubon Society, a leading environmental nonprofit, spoke out against the organization’s management for maintaining “a culture of retaliation, fear and antagonism toward women and people of color.]]>